SmartAID assists innocent civilians, woman and children in Gaza

As a trusted charity, SmartAID has been closely coordinating its relief efforts with COGAT, the IDF’s humanitarian coordination arm, and international aid groups since mid January 2024.

This to ensure that crucial basic aid reaches directly into the hands of innocent Palestinian civilians.  

Our continuous relief efforts included providing shelter to more than 42,000 internally displaced children and women.

Additionally, distributing over 150 tons of flour and food packages to families in refugee camps.  

SmartAID is actively addressing this need, and turning these words into action.  

Please help donate to our work and spread the “Call to Action”, to all those in your community who want to make a meaningful difference.  

In addition to our direct distribution of essential relief goods for the past 6 MONTHS across Gaza alongside our international, regional and local partners and establishment of refuge camps.

SmartAID is assisting in additional ways:

  1. Supporting Aid Workers: We are helping international and regional aid groups to bring in more doctors, logisticians, specialists in water and sanitation, trauma experts and more to assist those in need in Gaza.
  2. We help facilitate entree of aid from Neighboring Countries: our efforts make it possible also for our international aid partners to simplify the flow of their essential goods (approved by the Israeli Army) into Gaza from Egypt, Jordan, and Israel.
  3. Strengthening Relations: Beyond direct assistance, SmartAID helps build bridges between international and regional aid groups and different Israeli government and army officials, fostering and helping mediate an environment of cooperation for the greater good of internally displaced Palestinian civilians.


Our mission is not only to provide immediate relief and help other aid groups do the same but also to set the foundation for long term sustainable support and recovery.

Together, with our partners and supporters, we will continue to make a difference in the lives of those in need in Gaza.

As part of our ongoing commitment, we are actively engaged in strategic discussions with top think tank groups globally to better understand the changing needs and decisions of local and regional government actors.

These talks are centered around the second phase of: building a longer and stronger infrastructure to support innocent Palestinian civilians over the next coming years.


Long-Term Support. The focus areas for this phase include:

  1. Water: Ensuring consistent access to clean and safe water.
  2. Electricity: Establishing reliable solar grids for temporary shelters and essential services (clinics, safe spaces, classes and more).
  3. Communications: Improving connectivity to support daily activities and emergency responses specifically for foreign aid workers.
  4. Temporary Housing: Providing durable and comfortable living arrangements for those displaced.
  5. EdTech & Safe Space 2.0: enabling children to study safely while receiving new and more modern solutions to psychological trauma support.  

IMPORTANT NOTE: SmartAID as a non for profit, non governmental humanitarian aid organization which works in over 40 countries globally, makes sure that we help innocent civilians and internally displaced on both sides of the conflict including in Israel and Gaza.

We welcome you to join our efforts in making sure innocent lives on both sides receive the support they need.

Since 7th of October, 2023, SmartAID continues to support tens of thousands of Israeli families evacuated from northern and southern Israel.  

May we know better days ahead